Let our best SEO experts in India help you rank #1 on Google with our proven custom SEO strategies

Dear Business Don,

If you want to sit at the throne of Google’s empire, listen up. SEO is far from dead—it’s making a comeback, stronger than ever. While others throw money at Facebook and Google Ads, the real power lies in Google’s organic listings.

Facebook and Instagram? Goodfellas in the advertising game. But the real deal—the highest-converting, profit-exploding traffic—comes from Google’s organic listings. If you’re not there, you might as well not exist.

Now, here’s the score: Google Ads cost a pretty penny. The average cost per click has skyrocketed, and it’s only getting worse. But SEO, my friend, is making a comeback. Forget the SEO scams of the past; it’s time for a real, revenue-generating approach.

Most SEO agencies got it all wrong—focusing on rankings and pixie glitter, not revenue. Yeah, rankings and traffic are great, but if they don’t turn into cold, hard cash, it’s a waste. We talk dollars, not just rankings.

So, forget the smoke and mirrors. The truth is, SEO still works, but the game has changed. Old tactics are landmines, and the rules are different. Ever heard of Private Blog Networks? Shady tactics—cheap, nasty, and a one-way ticket to Google’s blacklist.

You don’t need lies and deception. You need a strategy that works, a digital arsenal that outsmarts Google. In 2023, it’s not about tricking Google; it’s about playing by its rules, and we know the game better than anyone.

Ready to outshine your competition in the digital underworld? Let NetMafia guide you through the new rules of SEO—where rankings mean dollars, not just bragging rights.

Your digital consigliere,
NetMafia SEO Crew


Custom Website Design for SAAS company in Mumbai by NetMafia
Custom Website Design for corporate company in Mumbai by NetMafia


In the world of digital dominance, shortcuts lead to dead ends. If you’re hunting for a bargain SEO deal, sorry, but we’re not your guys. Quality demands investment, and nurturing your online empire deserves more than spare change.

Here’s the deal: SEO is an art, not a discount bin. A budget that barely covers the espresso for an in-house SEO expert won’t cut it. If you’re contemplating a full-time SEO expert at ₹5,00,000 a year, why hesitate to invest a fraction of that for an entire crew devoted to elevating your business?

NetMafia isn’t about penny-pinching; it’s about strategic investments that reap rewards. Quality SEO demands a commitment, and we’re not here for anything less.

If you’re ready to bet on your business, not bargain-bin tactics, we’re here for the journey—where success comes with a price, not a compromise.


At NetMafia, we don’t just do SEO; we orchestrate a digital symphony to elevate your rankings. Here’s the playbook—no secrets, just results.


Feeling lost in the Google labyrinth? It’s time to converse with our SEO maestros. Schedule a call, and let’s unravel the path to digital supremacy.

During the call, spill the beans about your goals. Before you know it, we’ll craft a bespoke strategy—your ticket to the top of Google’s hierarchy.

Watch the magic unfold. As we implement the strategy, your rankings will soar. It’s 2023, and your investment should spell success. Welcome to a new era of digital dominance.


In the realm of NetMafia, transparency isn't just a promise; it's a digital blood oath. Our plans and pricing are crafted with precision, ensuring your investment aligns seamlessly with your digital ambitions. Explore the pathways to your digital dominance – clear, concise, and tailored for your brand's ascent.

SEO JUMPSTART $250 (One Time Fee)

Now that your website is cruising the digital highways, envision it as a sleek car body. Yet, like any powerhouse, it needs a robust engine. Enter our Mumbai SEO Jumpstart package—the ignition to your Search Engine Optimization voyage. This one-time investment isn't just a fee; it's a key to unlocking new leads and tangible profits. Leverage our seasoned skills to kickstart your website's journey on the path to success.

*Price is based on a 5 page website.  Additional pages are $99 each.


$500 /month

Prepaid Discounts:

3 Months 
(10% discount saves you $150)

6 Months $2550
(15% discount saves you $450)

12 Months $4800
(20% discount saves you $1200)


$1000 /month

Prepaid Discounts:

3 Months 
(10% discount saves you $300)

6 Months $5100
(15% discount saves you $900)

12 Months $9600
(20% discount saves you 2400)


$1300 /month

Prepaid Discounts:

3 Months 
(10% discount saves you $390)

6 Months $6630
(15% discount saves you $1170)

12 Months $12480
(20% discount saves you $3120)


SEO is the practice of optimizing your online content and website in a way that makes it more visible and attractive to search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. The goal is to improve the chances of your website appearing at the top of search results when someone types in a relevant query or keyword.

Think of search engines as librarians organizing vast amounts of information. When you optimize your content using SEO techniques, you're essentially helping these "librarians" understand what your website is about and why it should be considered a valuable resource. This, in turn, increases the likelihood that your site will be recommended to people searching for topics related to your content.

In a nutshell, SEO is like fine-tuning your website to speak the language of search engines, making it more likely to be noticed and ranked higher in search results. This increased visibility can lead to more visitors discovering your website, ultimately helping your online presence thrive.

SEO is a long-term game; a temporary pause won't drastically impact results. Companies ranking high may sustain results for years without continuous efforts.